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    Savoring Moments in England: Part I

    From history to novels and paintings to gardens, cathedrals, pubs, and afternoon tea I am grateful for this amazing opportunity to tour England. Let’s make time for a cuppa tea?        Savoring Writers – Jane Austen We began our “Literary Tour” celebrating Jane Austen, hosted by Tours International.  The annual “Regency Parade in Bath” was fun and colorful with over 1400 participants dressed in period costumes. From there we walked over to the Jane Austen Center.  The next day we visited Chawton where Austen spent her later years with her sister and mother and the two churches where her father was rector.   Knocking on the wooden door of…

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    I Got the Sun in the Morning and the Moon at Night

    i’ve got the sun in the morning… Spring brought the rains…our backyard flourished. This blog is a long time coming…while I have much to share the rhythm of life pushed me in many directions. and the moon at night God’s time is always near. He set the North Star in the heavens; He gave me the strength in my limbs; He meant I should be free.”  -Harriet Tubman June Ninetenth Ah, my day is open. My heart is full. Can one imagine the taste of freedom felt by the enslaved people in our country after years of oppression, fear, hatred, and separation of family? Harriet Tubman wrote, “When I found…

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    New Years 2024: A Trip to Bountiful

    Greetings friends – Good to be back in blog land! Three years ago I gave blogging a shot. This fall I took a long break for travel and to get caught up to myself!  I continue to be pleasantly surprised to hear from people in emails, on my website, and even Christmas cards how much you appreciate my creative musings and art. I am overflowing with ideas and stories to tell as I envision a new book of reflections and writing a first play. My trip to Italy in November to return to my roots felt like a  Trip to Bountiful,  a favorite movie of mine with Geraldine Page. Indoor…

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    End of the Season: Blue Moon

    Blue Moon in Pisces Born in the sign of the fish I thrive on movement, fluidity, change. Yesterday I woke up with zero motivation. My dreams had brought me to many places. In comparision, Day seemed empty and cloudy.  We drove to Hyannis with Dolce. Rain started. We found an outdoor covered  cafe.  Alberto’s! A friendly waiter,  dog lover, brought Dolce water. Judy  ordered pasta. I ordered canelloni. We watched the world go by.   La Dolce Vita! Duende If you were in Boston in the early seventies you may have read George Frazier in the Boston Globe. His favorite word was from Andalusian Spanish. Duende meant in Stud Terkel’s words:…

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    Pandemic Paintings

    usin Your are invited to an Opening Reception Thursday July 6, 4-6 pm  Eastham Public Library 190 Samoset Rd. Eastham, MA 508-240-5950  Exhibit runs July 1-July 28 (during library hours) www.anneierardi.com  anneierardi@gmail.com Wait or Create In March of 2020 our familiar ways of living met a dead end as the virus invaded our lives while division and corruption dominated the news. I had a choice. Wait or Create. I climbed the stairs to my art studio with verve.  In spite of being perplexed as to what direction to take. I knew the paintings from my stand that I needed to revise – some I painted over while many I improved…

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    The Tortoise & the Hare

    The Tortoise and the Hare                  I must have had some ministerial blood inside even as a child. I loved tales and fables with a moral message: Hans Christian Anderson, the Brothers Grimm, Aesop’s Fables and especially stories about animals. In French class in high school we translated the fables of La Fontaine. My teacher who resembled Jiminy Cricket was named Napoleon Alphonse Fontaine. My first paper in seminary was on the book of Ecclesiastes. As a young adult I related to the  unknown author called “Qoheleth” meaning preacher in Hebrew.  I shared his philosophical turn of mind, beginning with skepticism and ending…

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    February: I am Singing of Tomorrow

    Love from the Heart One morning I pulled out my  Stevie Wonder album singing along: I am singing of tomorrow…I am singing of love. I am singing that sweet love will reign throughout this world of ours… I am singing of love from the heart. Suddenly, I feel free and happy with faith in tomorrow.  The past, future, and present become one in a heart. What do you love?  Who do you love? In 2023  what lovely thing or action do you wish to engage in? Perhaps something you miss that you use to do or someone you’d like to be in touch with?   Retreat and Remembrances January was…

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    Celebrating Light: Winter Solstice

      When the words come, they are merely empty shells without the music. They live as they are sung, for the words are the body and the music the spirit.  – St. Hildegard of Bingen   A Story  When the great Rabbi Israel Ba’al Shem-Tov saw misfortune threatening the Jews, it was his custom to go into a certain part of the forest to meditate. There he would light the fire, say a special prayer, and the miracle would be accomplished and the misfortune averted. Years later when a disciple of the Ba’al Shem-Tov, the celebrated Magid of Mezritch, had occasion for the same reason, to intercede with heaven, he…

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    Gratitude: Celebrating Friendships

    November is a time of remembrance and change. Tonight we lit a beautiful fire in our fireplace. I gave Judy a “fire back” with a ship on it last Christmas, fitting that we live on the Captain’s Mile of historical homes in Yarmouth Port.   Nature’s Colors  On All Souls Day we explored Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge. My writing mentor and friend, Kathleen Spivack, asked us to drive her to a place she has sorely missed because of ill health. We put her walker in the car and found a sacred place to rest and take in the beauty. Kathleen awakens the artist for all those privileged to have…

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    Let Autumn Come

    Autumn is a time of change – leaves turning color and then falling to the ground. We have lots of trees in our yard many planted by Honey B.. our previous owner. Trees I never met before -Red Bud and Golden Rain. The humongous Evergreen drops its long pine combs continuing  to be itself – ever-green. I like that. Stability. “Great is thy faithfulness, God my Creator, There is no turning or changing in Thee.” A small Japanese maple named “Grace” was a gift for my ministry.  Grace can not be contained! She chose to keep expanding in varying shades of yellow, green, and orange. In winter when she sheds…