Coming Alive Memoir

Coming Alive Front Cover

Receiving Indie Book Award in Wash. DC

Anne with "Voices of Classic Soul", at the Next Generation
Indie Book Awards in Washington DC.

Award Winning Memoir

Coming Alive

Anne Ierardi

Shanti Arts Publishing

Coming Alive is infused with the wonder of being fully alive through life’s changes and challenges. It is about close observation,  reflection, self-understanding and transformation . . . a coming-out journey, about coming into one’s own as a person and an artist.  Ethnicity, family, religion, and gender issues drive the forward motion. Beautifully written, it is a pleasure to read . . . an inspiring book,  one that will speak to many readers.”

Kathleen Spivack, author of Unspeakable Things
(Alfred A. Knopf, 2016)

Coming Alive


Next Generation

Indie Book Award!

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“This wonderful memoir offers insight into the plain goodness of a life full of integrity. The author finds a way, and when that is lacking  for a conscious Catholic woman, she makes a way with deep authenticity. We are born into times we do not choose and cannot always change. Readers learn how marvelous it is to embrace vocations and actualize talents the world needs, regardless.”

Mary E. Hunt, Ph.D., Co-director, Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER)

Dolce and me
Anne Ierardi & Dolce

Coming Alive - Winner: 2023 Firebird Award