
Anne Ierardi is a writer, painter, and minister. Her passion is trusting the Life that could be, and bringing all her gifts and those of others to that living. Making connections, finding beauty, and choosing what is good takes roots and reach.

Coming Alive, her recently completed memoir, from Catholic Italian-American Boston to ordained minister and same sex marriage on Cape Cod is filled with the portraits of people, places, and ideas that enliven and invite.

Anne cofounded Healthsigns Center, a sanctuary for spiritual guidance, contemplative worship, and creative gatherings. The book, Walking with Grief: A Healing Journey, was published by Healthsigns. Anne illustrated 21 sensitive paintings responding to the touching poem by Rev. Nanette Geertz on the sudden death of her daughter.

Artistic expression whether it is visual art, writing, or music defines Anne's identity and search for wholeness and the Holy.


Artist's Signature

I delight in using color, form, and rhythm to bring energy and resolve tension as I render the landscapes of Cape Cod, create abstracts of the inner landscape, and form figures within a landscape. I see my work as a “landscape of the imagination” beckoning viewers to enter their own inner spaces.

My Writings

Coming Alive, my memoir, published in 2022, celebrates my artistic and spiritual quest through coming out struggles and coming alive triumphs.

Walking with Grief: A Healing Journey, is an illustrated guide that gently touches  grieving hearts. Rev. Nanette Geertz wrote this moving poem after the sudden loss of her daughter for the children in her church with my paintings. 

Freelance columnist, Barnstable Patriot interviewing musicians on Cape Cod from jazz to classical to folk and rock.

Dialogue Magazine, edited "Women in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling" for the American Baptist Churches. The feature article was based on my doctoral thesis on "Women and Faith Development."


Cahoon Museum, Cotuit, MA  Landscapes from Italy, Spain and Portugal   

The Mathewson Chapel, Providence RI, & Andover-Newton Theological School, Walking with Grief” paintings 

Two Marlborough Street Gallery, Newport, RI  "End of the Season” 

Special Invitationals

Zion Union Heritage Museum Hyannis, MA "Ladies of Jazz” series and lecture  

 "Creativity & Madness" Institute for Continuing Education, Barcelona, Spain Multimedia project of psychological profiles and jazz ladies paintings 

Juried Exhibitions

Provincetown Art Association, Juried Members 

Cultural Center of Cape Cod, Yarmouth, MA “Ladies of Jazz” Invitational

Cape Museum of Fine Arts, Dennis, MA

Awards and Special Training

Citation, Massachusetts State Senate, “Spiritual Leadership to the Cape Cod Community”
Book of Lives & Legacies, Women’s Hall of Fame, Seneca Falls
Soul of Leadership Certificate  
Monasteries of the Heart with Sr. Joan Chittister
Massachusetts Cultural Council, Professional Development Award


Author's Guild
Cape Cod Writer’s Center
International Women Writers Guild
Cape Museum of Art
Cultural Center of Cape Cod
New England Women in Ministry Association


Blue Hills Institute of Memoir, Castle Hill Center for the Arts
Fine Arts Work Center,  Provincetown Art Museum, Provincetown, MA
Boston University, Doctorate of Ministry in Counseling
The Episcopal Divinity School, Master of Divinity
Florence, Italy, University of N. Colorado Graduate Art Studies
Emmanuel College, Boston, MA, B.A. in Art